Netwrix Auditor is an agentless data security platform that enables organizations to accurately identify sensitive, regulated, and business-critical information and consistently apply access controls – regardless of where the data is stored.
It enables you to mitigate the risk of data breaches and reliably comply with regulatory mandates by selectively reducing the attack surface of sensitive data and immediately detecting policy violations and suspicious user behavior.
Netwrix Auditor
With Netwrix’s IT audit software, Netwrix Auditor, you unify all your audit-related information, both for all your local and cloud-based systems in your environment – eliminating the need to constantly switch between auditing and reporting tools! A large number of important IT systems, such as Active Directory, SharePoint, Windows Server, Oracle Database and many more can be covered with Netwrix Auditor.
Regular audits can increase the security of your data by identifying security gaps and thus eliminating vulnerabilities.
Access to highly sensitive data on your systems can be identified and verified – so who accessed where and when, and how was the data used.
Thanks to detailed reports on “changes”, “accesses” and “configurations”, you will experience enormous time savings: you will quickly be able to provide information to your management, your supervisor or an auditor, and you will also save yourself the trouble of searching through scripts, logs or tables.
If suspicious activity occurs, you’ll receive immediate notification and can initiate appropriate mitigation measures even before data breaches or system outages occur. You can also take appropriate action against malicious insider attacks with a comprehensive view of all alerts for a user’s suspicious activity, including an associated risk assessment.
With Netwrix Auditor, you will never have to deal with troublesome and intransparent audits again!
Netwrix Data Classification
Netwrix’s data classification functionality makes identifying sensitive content such as financial data, medical records and other personal information on your on-premises and cloud-based IT systems a breeze!
All of your company’s data – whether structured or unstructured – can be classified and “offloaded” to secure areas in just a few clicks. Of course, the data is not lost in the process.
Classification not only provides a general overview; at the same time, your employees are able to work specifically with the data they need instead of sifting through a flood of legacy data every day. This increases both efficiency and motivation of your employees.
Not to mention the lower storage costs created by “removing” data that is not needed.
Also, in the event of a legal concern, you are able to quickly and effectively locate the relevant data and provide information.
The same applies to the fulfillment of data protection and compliance regulations, which are also associated with lower time and cost expenditure.
Functions - Overview
Determine what data needs to be protected and how exposed it is.
Restrict the risk of data breaches.
Detect data security threats immediately.
Make faster, more informed decisions to respond to security incidents.
Enable recovery of critical data and use past incident information for future protection measures.
Comply with Regulations
Ensure compliance and provide the required evidence.
Why Netwrix?
More Transparency
Investigate which users can access which sensitive data and how those permissions were granted. Allow data owners to periodically review whether users need these access rights to do their jobs. If they do not, delete overly broad access permissions to enforce the principle of least privilege to reduce risk.
Evaluate the effectiveness of your data security controls and provide the necessary evidence to auditors.
Investigate which users can access which sensitive data and how those permissions were granted. Allow data owners to periodically review whether users need these access rights to do their jobs. If they do not, delete overly broad access permissions to enforce the principle of least privilege to reduce risk.
Evaluate the effectiveness of your data security controls and provide the necessary evidence to auditors.
Investigate which users can access which sensitive data and how those permissions were granted. Allow data owners to periodically review whether users need these access rights to do their jobs. If they do not, delete overly broad access permissions to enforce the principle of least privilege to reduce risk.
Evaluate the effectiveness of your data security controls and provide the necessary evidence to auditors.
Get to the bottom of sensitive data incidents quickly: investigate what happened, how it happened, who caused it and what data is affected. Use this information to take the best possible countermeasures.
Respond more quickly to security threats by automatically taking countermeasures when incidents are expected. Provide immediate incident response and support faster, more accurate investigations by integrating Netwrix Auditor into your SecOps processes.
More Efficiency
Get to the bottom of sensitive data incidents quickly: investigate what happened, how it happened, who caused it and what data is affected. Use this information to take the best possible countermeasures.
Respond more quickly to security threats by automatically taking countermeasures when incidents are expected. Provide immediate incident response and support faster, more accurate investigations by integrating Netwrix Auditor into your SecOps processes.
Get to the bottom of sensitive data incidents quickly: investigate what happened, how it happened, who caused it and what data is affected. Use this information to take the best possible countermeasures.
Respond more quickly to security threats by automatically taking countermeasures when incidents are expected. Provide immediate incident response and support faster, more accurate investigations by integrating Netwrix Auditor into your SecOps processes.
More Protection
Continuously monitor the activities of privileged users on all systems to ensure that they follow internal policies and do not abuse their privileges to access, modify, or delete sensitive data.
Monitor changes to access rights or group memberships to assess whether permissions to access sensitive data have been changed without good cause. Reverse unauthorized changes immediately to mitigate the risk.
Continuously monitor the activities of privileged users on all systems to ensure that they follow internal policies and do not abuse their privileges to access, modify, or delete sensitive data.
Monitor changes to access rights or group memberships to assess whether permissions to access sensitive data have been changed without good cause. Reverse unauthorized changes immediately to mitigate the risk.
Continuously monitor the activities of privileged users on all systems to ensure that they follow internal policies and do not abuse their privileges to access, modify, or delete sensitive data.
Monitor changes to access rights or group memberships to assess whether permissions to access sensitive data have been changed without good cause. Reverse unauthorized changes immediately to mitigate the risk.
Classify and tag both unstructured and structured data, regardless of where it’s stored, so you can focus your security efforts on sensitive information. Apply consistent security policies across your disparate data repositories.
Analyze which sensitive data is exposed to the greatest risks so you can prioritize mitigation of those risks. Uncover sensitive information that can be accessed by numerous users without business need or that is stored on systems that are not secured.
More Control
Classify and tag both unstructured and structured data, regardless of where it’s stored, so you can focus your security efforts on sensitive information. Apply consistent security policies across your disparate data repositories.
Analyze which sensitive data is exposed to the greatest risks so you can prioritize mitigation of those risks. Uncover sensitive information that can be accessed by numerous users without business need or that is stored on systems that are not secured.
Classify and tag both unstructured and structured data, regardless of where it’s stored, so you can focus your security efforts on sensitive information. Apply consistent security policies across your disparate data repositories.
Analyze which sensitive data is exposed to the greatest risks so you can prioritize mitigation of those risks. Uncover sensitive information that can be accessed by numerous users without business need or that is stored on systems that are not secured.