+49 30 3642803 0 | info@permsecure.com​

User & Permission Management in the company

permSECURE - Usermanagement

Here we present a part of our service offering. Our consultants have been involved in the introduction of identity and access management systems for many years. We accompany you from the first inventory of your user management processes to the conceptual design and implementation of an IAM solution. We are happy to support you with all your problems or requirements regarding your identity and access management.

User & Permission Management
Workshop & Conceptual Design

permSECURE - Workshop
Time and again, we encounter customers who have defined only very rudimentary processes in user management and permission administration. Permissions are assigned on demand and user departures or department changes are sometimes not communicated to the IT department at all. There is usually no traceability of why and when changes were made to user or permission objects. As a result, permissions are naturally not questioned after a user changes department, temporarily leaves the company (parental leave, maternity leave, etc.) or even leaves permanently.  We help you to optimize this situation, analyze your user processes and show you ways to revise them if necessary, to avoid media breaks and to automate them.

In a joint workshop, an experienced consultant will assist you and clarify the following topics with you, among others:

  • Together we analyze and discuss your current user processes (user entry, user exit, user change, etc.).

  • Together we will review your current master data and optimize it for the IAM implementation if necessary.

  • We will show you ways to reengineer and fully automate your processes.

  • We work with you to create a suitable approach for integrating an IAM solution and mapping your processes in a GDPR-compliant manner.

You too can benefit from our experience in optimizing user processes and increase the quality of work and processes in your company.

User & Permission Management
Implementation & Customization

permSECURE - Integration

Are you about to implement tenfold as an IAM solution for your company or do you want to optimize your permission management? We support you from the initial installation and briefing of your administrators to the full integration. In the process, our experienced consultants will go through all the steps necessary for setup and configuration with you and provide you with helpful tips for the optimal design and implementation of your user management and permissions administration.

  • We evaluate the quality of your master data and help you to build it up in such a way that a high degree of automation is possible. Via various data correction options, your master data will be optimized for the introduction of an IAM solution in no time at all.
  • Together we set up the required database and perform the basic installation with you.
  • We carry out the connection of your Active Directory and your file servers with you. If required, we can also connect your Exchange or Sharepoint server.
  • We create workflows and profiles according to your wishes, which are assigned to your users fully automatically, based on certain rule sets.
  • If required, we will be happy to integrate your third-party applications to perform administration and documentation via tenfold.

Subsequently, you will be able, among other things, to outsource parts of your work steps to the users and departments (data owners) and involve them in the processes. This relieves the burden on your IT department and at the same time sensitizes your users to the handling of their data. Are you currently in the process of introducing an identity and access management solution? Take a look at our whitepaper on „IAM – With Milestones to Success“!

User & Permission Management
Training & Process Documentation

permSECURE - Training

You have introduced tenfold or are already using it, but you need more know-how and experience in using the application? Your users are to be integrated into the processes in the future and need instruction or do you simply want to expand your knowledge about tenfold and its extensive possibilities?

  • We train your administrators in configuring and managing the application. This enables them, among other things, to administer the system independently, define person types and fields, or create profiles and approval workflows.

  • We train your employees in the use of tenfold and show them how to find their way around the system.

  • We train your data owners to manage their own areas via tenfold. Using various practical examples, they will be enabled to fulfill their new role.

  • All training takes place in your individually set up systems. However, there is also the possibility to conduct the training in special demo environments.

After the training, you will find it easier to use tenfold, the processes and workflows will be clearer, and you will notice more efficient work after only a short time.