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Whitepaper – Identity & Acce­­­ss Management – With Milesstones to Success

This whitepaper explains the introduction of identity & access management systems. In particular, the various topics relating to people, resources and their interaction are examined and explained in more detail. The individual phases in the implementation of an IAM system are described and the various points that are important and must be thought through in advance are addressed.

This document will enable you to optimally plan the IAM implementation of a system of your choice and to make the necessary preparations.

Gain insights from this whitepaper

What do you have to consider during implementation? What possible problem areas are there to solve in advance?

Which steps are necessary for a successful IAM implementation? What needs to be considered in which phase?

What is master data and how important is it for IAM implementation? Which master data is needed at all?

How do I automate identity and access management, and how do I involve my users?

Are you interested in further information, do you have questions or feedback on this whitepaper? 

Contact us – our professional sales and consulting team is at your disposal!

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